All Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 1 bosses and where to find them
How to find every secret boss in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong
Looking for all the bosses in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong? The first chapter of Black Myth: Wukong, "Black Cloud, Red Fire", introduces players to the two types of bosses: Yaoguai Chiefs, and Yaoguai Kings. As you might expect, Kings are typically tougher and more central to the overall story - sort of like Remembrance bosses in Elden Ring.
In true soulslike fashion, the intricate landscapes and levels of Black Myth: Wukong hide plenty of secrets, and some of the bosses in Chapter 1 are very difficult to find without some additional guidance. So, if you're looking to tick off every Yaoguai Chief and Yaoguai King in your Journal, read on for a full breakdown of all 11 bosses in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong, and exactly where to find them.
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All Chapter 1 bosses in Black Myth: Wukong
There is a total of 11 bosses in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong, although only 9 of them are listed in the player's Journal. Of these, 5 are Yaoguai Kings, and 4 are Yaoguai Chiefs. Moreover, 2 bosses - the Elder Jinchi and the Red Loong - are secret bosses which can only be unlocked and fought by following the steps laid out below in this guide.
To help you easily find out which Black Myth: Wukong bosses are missing from your Journal, here are all the Yaoguai King and Yaoguai Chief bosses you can find in Chapter 1:
No. | Boss Name | Type | Location |
1 | Bullguard | Yaoguai Chief | Forest Of Wolves / Front Hills |
2 | Wandering Wight | Not In Journal | Forest Of Wolves / Outside The Forest |
3 | Guangzhi | Yaoguai Chief | Forest Of Wolves / Outside The Forest |
4 | Lingxuzi | Yaoguai King | Forest Of Wolves / Guanyin Temple |
5 | Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang | Yaoguai Chief | Bamboo Grove / Snake Trail |
6 | Guangmou | Yaoguai Chief | Bamboo Grove / Snake Trail |
7 | Whiteclad Noble | Character | Bamboo Grove / Marsh Of White Mist |
8 | Black Wind King | Yaoguai King | Black Wind Cave / Cave Interior |
9 | Black Bear Guai | Yaoguai King | Black Wind Cave / Bodhi Peak |
10 | Elder Jinchi (secret boss) | Yaoguai King | Secret: Ancient Guanyin Temple / Grand Chamber |
11 | The Red Loong (secret boss) | Yaoguai King | Forest Of Wolves / Loong Claw Grove |
Below we'll go over all 11 of these Chapter 1 bosses, how to find them, and how to defeat them in combat.
1. Bullguard

The first boss enemy you'll fight in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong is the Bullguard, a Yaoguai Chief blocking your way a short distance into the Forest Of Wolves. To reach him, start at the "Front Hills" Keeper's Shrine and follow the path across the bridge. After that, continue along the path as it curves right around the rock, and you'll approach a gate with the Bullguard standing guard in front.
The Bullguard is a slow and lumbering foe which is designed to get you used to dodging. Its attacks with its polearm are all clearly telegraphed, so take this as an opportunity to practice your perfect dodges. Halfway into the Bullguard fight you'll trigger a cutscene which unlocks the Immobilise Spell, after which you can continue the fight with the help of the spell to make an easy fight even easier.
2. Wandering Wight

The Wandering Wight, curiously, isn't listed in your Journal as a Yaoguai. Possibly this is because it is an offshoot of a later boss, the Elder Jinchi. In any case, you'll find the Wandering Wight a short way beyond the "Outside The Forest" Shrine, just past the Bullguard. Cross the bridge on the most direct path forward from the Shrine, and you'll come to a clearing where the Wandering Wight does what he does best.
Be warned: this boss is startlingly tough for players just starting out, and it may take you a few attempts to beat him. You can feel free to run past the Wight when you first encounter him and return later when you're more powerful, although it seems the Wandering Wight will disappear if you defeat the Elder Jinchi boss, so make sure you return to defeat the Wight before entering that secret area containing the Elder Jinchi!
3. Guangzhi

Guangzhi is a Yaoguai Chief found on the opposite side of the "Outside The Forest" region from the Wandering Wight. To find him, start at the region's Shrine and take the left-hand path in front of you. Pass by the chest (open it if you haven't already), and cross the bridge guarded by the Wolf Archer. After that, follow the path curving left and you'll enter a clearing where you can fight Guangzhi.
Guangzhi wields a flaming double-edged sword which is capable of meting out very fast combos and ranged throw attacks. He's a tricky foe to lock down, so make liberal use of your Immobilize spell to keep him still and deal some damage. Mercifully, he doesn't have a huge health pool, so staying aggressive is the way to go. Defeating Guangzhi will unlock the powerful Red Tides Spell which enables you to transform into Guangzhi himself for a short time. There's also a Bell in this arena that you should ring (more on this below!).
4. Lingxuzi

Lingxuzi is your first Yaoguai King boss fight. This giant wolf creature can be found inside Guanyin Temple, at the end of the Forest of Wolves beyond the Wandering Wight. The path there is very linear and straightforward, so you should have no trouble finding this boss encounter.
As you approach, your friend the Keeper will warn you that you have no chance against this boss. But don't worry - he vastly underestimates your skills, dear reader. Linxuzi only really has two attacks to watch out for - a quick two-part swipe combo, and a charging bite attack. Once you learn both, this boss fight is really very simple, especially with Immobilize and Red Tides (if you have it).
5. Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang

Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang is a giant amphibian that hangs out in a very pretty part of the river running through the Bamboo Grove. From the "Snake Trail" Shrine, head up the stairs and across the bridge, then follow the path until you start heading down a wooden sloped platform. Jump off this platform to the right, and you'll land in the river. Then turn around and head into the larger area of the river, where you can fight Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang.
Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang isn't the toughest Yaoguai Chief you've encountered thus far. He's irritating though. Watch out in particular for his backwards kick attack, because it's hard to see coming. His tongue attack also swings back and forth multiple times, so you'll need to dodge several times in succession to avoid damage. Otherwise, it's a simple matter of whittling down Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang's meagre health bar until he expires - after which, you can absorb his Spirit to temporarily transform into him during later fights!
6. Guangmou

Guangmou is another Yaoguai Chief who can be found in the "Snake Trail" area of the Bamboo Grove. Thankfully though, and unlike Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang, Guangmou is found on the main story path, so you're pretty much guaranteed to cross him. Just follow the main path out to the large area littered with Skeletal Snakes, and you'll find Guangmou's arena directly adjoining this area.
Guangmou is a magic-user, and uses a variety of ranged attacks, area-of-effect shockwaves, and poison sprays to attempt to whittle down your health. I'd recommend a mix of careful dodging and Staff-spinning to block ranged attacks where appropriate (though keep an eye on your Stamina!). Close the distance between you where possible, and Guangmou won't pose much of a threat. After his death, be sure to absorb his Spirit using the Blessed Gourd for a handy little ranged attack in future battles.
7. Whiteclad Noble

Continue along the main path and at the bottom of the "Marsh Of White Mist" region you'll come to a watery arena containing the Whiteclad Noble boss. This is another enemy that appears in the Journal as neither a Chief nor a King, merely a character. Don't underestimate him, though. Aside from the fact that he has an annoyingly long reach and launches himself about like nobody's business; he also has two health bars, and a second phase where he transforms into a merman-like creature.
The Pillar Stance is very useful against the Whiteclad Noble, I found. Use it whenever it's safe to do so, and evade his attacks while charging your own. Just be careful you don't run out of stamina. After you've beaten him, you'll hear a bit of dialogue about the three Bells hidden in the land, and you'll find one of them adjoining this arena (more on this in our section about Elder Jinchi).
8. Black Wind King

The Black Wind King is a tricky customer, and may require a few attempts to defeat. You will fight him inside the Black Wind Cave, which is a fair old trek beyond the "Marsh Of White Mist" area of the Bamboo Grove, but at least it's a fairly linear path. The Black Wind King is waiting for you just beyond the double doors next to the "Cave Interior" Shrine.
I won't lie, the Black Wind King is the toughest enemy so far. He can break easily out of your Immobilize Spell; his attack combos are annoyingly lengthy; and he has a special ability where he turns into an invulnerable gust of wind and repeatedly charges you, requiring some very specifically timed dodges to counter. I'd encourage you to go back and defeat Guangzhi and the Wandering Wight if you haven't done so already, because their respective abilities (Red Tides Spell and the Wandering Wight Spirit) are very helpful when it comes to bursting down the Black Wind King before he has a chance to wreak too much havoc with your health bar.
9. Black Bear Guai

The final story boss of Chapter 1 is Black Bear Guai - the superior second form of the Black Wind King you fought earlier. The Black Bear Guai is found outside the other end of Black Wind Cave, at Bodhi Peak on top of the mountain. It's a linear (albeit very stairs-heavy) path up the mountain, so you'll have no trouble finding this particular Yaoguai King.
This fight is tough, and I'd highly recommend you first unlock Chapter 1's secret area (explained below) and defeat Elder Jinchi before tackling the Black Bear Guai, because the prize for defeating Elder Jinchi is an item that it incredibly useful against the flame-heavy Black Bear. The most dangerous aspect of this fight is, again, when the Black Bear turns into a gust of (this time flaming) wind, and charges you repeatedly. These attacks deal massive damage and require very carefully timed dodges. Look for the burst of air just before the charge as a telltale sign of when you should dodge. With a bit of practice, you'll defeat the Black Bear and complete your journey through Chapter 1.
10. Elder Jinchi (secret boss)

The Elder Jinchi Yaoguai King resides in a secret area of Chapter 1; to unlock this area, you need to find and ring all three Bells scattered about the three regions of Chapter 1. Here are the locations of the three Bells:
- Inside the Guangzhi arena (Forest Of Wolves / Outside The Forest)
- Up the stairs from the Guangmou arena (Bamboo Grove / Snake Trail)
- Take the left path from the Whiteclad Noble arena (Bamboo Grove / Marsh Of White Mist)
You can ring the three Bells in any order you like. Once you ring the third Bell, you'll automatically be transported to a new secret area: the Ancient Guanyin Temple. This place is a memory of the Guanyin Temple, and in its centre you can face the secret Elder Jinchi boss.

The Elder Jinchi looks and acts a lot like the Wandering Wight that you encountered earlier in the Forest Of Wolves. The main difference here is that the arena is also filled with small shambling corpse enemies. Most of the time you can ignore them while you fight Elder Jinchi, but at certain points through the fight, the boss will rise into the air and call the corpses to him. You must kill the corpses before they reach Elder Jinchi, because each corpse that reaches the centre will heal Elder Jinchi, prolonging the fight.
Defeating the Elder Jinchi will transport you back to the location of the Bell near the Whiteclad Noble arena, and you'll be rewarded with the Fireproof Mantle Vessel - a fantastically useful item against all fire-wielding enemies. Most notably, this item will help you in the fight against Black Bear Guai, the final story boss of Chapter 1.
11. The Red Loong (secret boss)

The most secret Chapter 1 boss of all is The Red Loong. This Yaoguai King cannot be accessed until you've obtained a certain item from Chapter 2, after which you need to return to Chapter 1 to face this boss. Therefore, some minor spoilers for Chapter 2 follow!
To unlock the Red Loong boss fight, you must obtain the Loong Scale (a secret item from Chapter 2) and then interact with the waterfall in the "Outside The Forest" area of the Forest Of Wolves. Below I'll explain how to obtain the Loong Scale, and how to find the waterfall.
How to get the Loong Scale
To get the Loong Scale in order to unlock the Red Loong boss fight, you need to progress through the first region of Chapter 2, past the first Yaoguai Chief fight against the Rat King and the Second Rat Prince. Once you've done that, head down the left-hand path and face the First Rat Prince inside the cave.
On the left-hand side of the First Rat Prince arena, there is a clay wall. You must break this wall, in any of the following ways:
- Get the First Rat Prince to attack the wall.
- Use the Wandering Wight Spirit's attack on the wall.
- Use the Azure Dust form's slam attack on the wall (Azure Dust is obtained by completing the Man-In-Stone questline).

Once you crack the wall, you can interact with the crack to squeeze through it and into a small secret room. Inside this room there is a chest containing the Loong Scale, an item which you can use to unlock various secret areas throughout the game, including the one in Chapter 1 housing the Red Loong boss.
Where to find the Red Loong
The Red Loong itself is found inside a secret area adjoining the Forest Of Wolves. To get there, start at the "Outside The Forest" Shrine, take the left-hand path, and then take another left once you reach the chest. Cross the river past the two Wolf Scouts, and then immediately turn left and go up the well-hidden slope into a new part of the river with a giant waterfall.

Approach the waterfall, and if you have the Loong Scale in your inventory, you will receive a prompt to interact with the waterfall once you're near enough. Do so, and the waterfall will disappear, allowing you to pass through the crack in the stone beyond. You'll then load into a new boss arena where you'll face The Red Loong.
Despite being a Chapter 1 boss, the lightning-infused Red Loong is very much Chapter 2-esque in its power scaling, and you'll need all of the skills you gain in Chapter 2 to defeat it. The key to victory in this fight is to target the vessels on the Red Loong's back when it stumbles. Enough damage to these vessels will cause them to explode, dealing massive damage to the creature and considerably shortening the fight.
That concludes our guide on how to find every single boss in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong! If you're looking to continue your rampage, check out our list of all the Chapter 2 bosses.