
Portal To The Cosmobeat is a brilliant, ridiculous and currently free mix of QWOP and Dance Dance Revolution
The first fun videogame

Devil's Hideout review: scattershot horror through a surreal urban hell
Like a Stephen King story in its best moments

This fictional CD-ROM about a Knightmare-style game show is secretly this year’s best horror game
"Only some parts of the show were aired"

Nikhil Murthy's Syphilisation is a ferociously in-depth, empathic reworking of Civilization and other 4X games
Now out of early access, but still has a demo

Floops Big House Adventure is a Nickelodeon Saturday morning gross-out shooter
“90's references galore!”

Amazingly grim retro sci-fi android spelunker Lorn’s Lure finally has a release date
Will clamber onto Steam in September

New theme park manager Mars Attracts is the oddest bit of IP necromancy I’ve seen in quite some time
Ack actually this doesn’t look too bad

In retro gorefest The Lacerator there are as many solutions as you have limbs to lose
Come stick your whole arm into the demo

I'll serve my Blood Bar Tycoon customers when I'm through dumping exsanguinated bodies down the sewer
Two points in the neck

KIBORG: Arena is a free slice of Arkham-style combat starring a John Protagonist-ass punchy cyborg
I typed 'Killborg' several dozen times

The Curious Expedition studio’s next game Mother Machine lets you co-op as emotional support chaos gremlins created by a lonely supercomputer
*Very serious voice*: Please, elaborate on these Chaos Gremlins

Become an aging court jester trapped in a cyclical hell at the whims of a fickle audience in Conan Throwbrien
It's basically blackjack for jokes

Here's a free miniature town-builder with trams from the creator of Viewfinder
Dutch ado about something