All syndicate vault locations in Star Wars Outlaws
Here is a list of syndicate vaults in Star Wars Outlaws and their rewards
Looking for all syndicate vaults in Star Wars Outlaws? The power struggle between the four major syndicates in Star Wars Outlaws is a major theme of the game and an opportunity for profit too.
Each major syndicate has a vault on planets where they have a strong presence. Within these vaults are usually a hefty sum of 5,000 Credits as well as various Speeder skins and other goodies to show your pride for your favourite faction. The vault locations are usually hidden within syndicate territories and can be tricky to get to. Below, we've gathered all the syndicate vault locations and keycards in Star Wars Outlaws.
All Star Wars Outlaws vault locations
Here are the vault locations in Star Wars Outlaws we've encountered so far:
Toshara vaults
There are a total of two vaults on Toshara, belonging to the Crimson Dawn and Pyke syndicates.
Crimson Dawn Toshara vault
The first Crimson Dawn vault you're likely to discover is located within the Crimson Dawn district in Mirogana, Toshara. The entry point for this district is located to the north of the main market sector, right of the large bowl of red liquid and beyond the beaded curtain guarded by two guards.
If you have a 'good' reputation with Crimson Dawn, simply stroll ahead. If, however, you have a poor or worse reputation, you'll need to enter this section via a vent located in a red-lighted alcove to the right of the large bowl entryway.
Once inside the syndicate area, make your way down onto the landing bay. This area is restricted so the guards will become hostile if you're found here regardless of your reputation with them. For that reason, sneak your way to the landing bay via the platforms to the right of the two guards.
Perform silent takedowns where necessary, making your way to the large fan system beyond the landing bay. There is a control box nearby that you'll need to hold down to slow the fans. Use Nix to do this or you won't have enough time to move from the control box to the fans before they start spinning again.
Once inside the fans, work your way through the pipe and down the ladder. Here is the vault, as well as a datapad on the table which will give you a hint on the next Fathier race you enter. Be sure to access the terminal to gather the locations of the three keycards needed to unlock this vault.
Crimson Dawn Toshara vault keycards
As with other vaults, there are three keycards you'll need to obtain to gain access to the vault. These are:
- Eleera's vault keycard: Located in Toshara within the Crimson Dawn Hideout directly south of Mirogana City. (Search the table within the storage room lower floor. Be sure to also check the ship outside for the Anaxes Ruffian Jacket).
- Odana's vault keycard: Located on the Renpali Station within the Toshara orbit. (Look inside the storage room outside the cantina).
- Zafi's vault keycard: Located within a Shipjacker Workshop on Toshara, within the far east section of the Lost Steppe region. (Search the table past the large red barrier. You can command Nix to hold the vent next to it open and shoot the nodule inside with your stun blaster setting.)
Pyke Toshara vault
There is a Pyke vault also located within syndicate territory in Mirogana City, Toshara. To enter the Pyke region (northeast of the main entrance into the city) you'll either need to have a 'good' reputation with the Pykes or enter via the vent to the southeast of the main entrance.
Once inside, travel down the stairs northwest past the two guards and towards the green lights below. Make your way down the northern street and take a right turn into the alleyway ahead. Here, there is a vent you'll need to hack into. Once done, travel inside to find a hidden Pyke room containing the vault and the terminal containing the keycard locations.
Pyke Toshara vault keycards
The three Pyke vault keycards you need to open the vault are located in the following areas:
- Gorak's vault keycard: Located within the Pyke Poaching Station on Toshara, south of The Lost Steppe region. (Search the table next to the computer).
- Jinnjo's vault keycard: Inside a Pyke safehouse on the northern road from the Pyke Poaching Station on Toshara. (Look at the table next to the container).
- Tizlak's vault keycard: Located within a Pyke Syndicate Workshop on Toshara, east of The Mirage region. (Use the moving metal crates to transport Kay across to the higher platform of the building where the keycard resides.)
Kijimi vaults
There are a total of two vaults on Kijimi, belonging to the Crimson Dawn and Ashiga Clan syndicates.
Crimson Dawn Kijimi vault

Naturally, the Crimson Dawn vault on Kijimi is located within the Crimson Dawn district in Kijimi City. There are several ways to access this district if you have a poor reputation with the gang (otherwise, you can stroll through the front doors). We have these entrances marked on the map above, with a key below:
- 1. Crawl through a gap in the wall next to some crates, opposite Selik Mynnabah's store.
- 2. Further south along the street from Selik Mynnabah's store there are a few crates within a seemingly dead-end alley. Climb on these boxes and onto the ledge above.
- 3. Opposite Raiva Melin's survivalist store there is a lake and some yellow pipes beyond. Climb up these pipes and ledges.
- 4. North of the previous location is a grapple point you can also use.
- 5. This point is a crack in the wall that you can shimmy through. Once inside, jump up the yellow-painted stones and bars to reach the top ledge. Here, there is a security door you can slice which leads to the restricted section of the district and is close to the syndicate vault.
Once you're inside the base, the vault is located within the restricted section, in the furthermost north part of the region. This is above a set of steps and through a door opposite a sparking power unit.
Crimson Dawn Kijimi vault keycards
You'll need to collect the following keycards around Kijimi city to access the Crimson Dawn vault here.
- EE'Zok's vault keycard: Inside the Domak Refectory bar in Kijimi. In the corner of one of the balconies overlooking the bar.
- Dart's vault keycard: Located within the Crimson Dawn district. From Neva Yaranu's shop, exit through the back door and turn right. There will be a door you can Data Spike which leads to a stash containing the keycard.
- Kuroma's vault keycard: Located within Umi's Stash. From the main Domak Refectory entrance, travel south down the main road. When you see the yellow grate turn in the opposite direction, here there is a door you can hack into which contains the stash and keycard.
Ashiga Kijimi vault
The Ashiga vault is located within the restricted section of the Ashiga territory in Kijimi City. The easiest route I have found will take a matter of minutes to get to the vault and you'll only have to deal with a maximum of two guards no matter your reputation with the clan.
From the Roadway Gate there will be a large centre where mechanics are fixing up their Speeders (far southwest of the city). On the map marker above you'll see a bunch of yellow pipes in the corner that can be climbed. Once you've done so, you'll enter Ashiga territory and there will be a glowing structure ahead. Continue up the pathway south. At the end, there will be a locked door and terminal.
Slice the door to unlock it, and you'll be within the heart of the restricted Ashiga region. Take out the guard to your immediate right and enter the room beyond. Once inside, go down the steps to the west. To the right of you will be the vault console and to the left will be a security camera and a switch to turn the camera off. Do so, and progress forward and down the next set of stairs to the vault.
Ashiga Kijimi vault keycards
To unlock the Ashiga vault in Kijimi City, you'll need the following keycards.
- Krisk's vault keycard: From within the Ashiga restricted section in Kijimi City, there is a central glowing well. Go up the staircase to the southeast of the well. Here, there is a corner room that can be unlocked to discover Velek's Stash and Krisk's keycard.
- Mehdo's vault keycard: Located within Ilario's Stash in Kijimi. From the Kijimi Spaceport, travel up the main street northwest, past the corrupt officer and turn right to the abandoned house. Use Nix to flip the console outside the house.
- Zyssyk's vault keycard: Located within Okali's Stash far to the southeast of Kijimi City (by the Roadway Gate and near the mechanic working on his Speeder). You'll need a keycard to enter the locked door. Luckily, it is located above, on a platform to the top left of the door and can be retrieved by Nix.
Tatooine vaults
There is a total of one vault on Tatooine, belonging to the Hutt Cartel.
Hutt Tatooine vault
The Hutt vault on Tatooine is located within Mos Eisley, the main city. To get to the vault, follow these steps:
- The Hutt territory in Mos Eisley is located to the northwest of the central Bazaar. From the Galactic Street Food stall in the Bazaar, travel directly west along the stalls and towards the Sabacc parlour.
- Turn right at the parlour and arguing players, through an alcove area.
- Take an immediate left up a set of stairs.
- Exit straight ahead and then turn left to see a big archway and several thugs standing guard. This is the Hutt base.
- To get inside, either walk past the guards (if you have a good Hutt reputation) or go around the base to the left of the guards until you see an alleyway leading off to the right. At the back wall, there is a ladder and a console above.
- Command Nix to push the button on the console and this will lower the ladder for you, giving you access to the Hutt base.
- Once inside, make your way to the western building where most of the cartel is gathered. This is also where you'll find a Contract Broker and Hutt Merchant.
- Head to the back right corner of the room where there is a vent you can crawl into which leads to the restricted section.
- Beyond the vault, turn right and make your way past the camera and down the stairs.
- Follow the hallway around and take out the three guards ahead.
- You'll see a red barrier to the east, but you won't be able to go through it and access the vault beyond just yet.
- Return to the grated window where the first guard was positioned. Look through the bars and towards the red barrier. There should be a console lever to the left of the barrier.
- Command Nix to hold the lever and run back to the barrier before it comes back up.
- Now, you should be all set to explore the vault and loot it once you have the three keycards listed below.
- Remember to also loot the House Access keycard from the mini table and watch out for the security camera by the barrier.
Hutt Tatooine vault keycards
The three keycards needed to get inside the Hutt vault on Tatooine are located at the following:
- Garfalaquox's vault keycard: Located within the Hutt territory inside the Great Chott Salt Flatt (northwest). The keycard is inside the Hutt Barracks restricted section, west of the Hutt Lookout merchant. Once inside the barracks, loot the keycard from the back workbench.
- Dokk's vault keycard: From the last keycard location follow the main road east to a Hutt Cartel Storehouse. The keycard is within the main building north of the armourer. This section is also restricted but there is a secret way in that will take you straight to the keycard. Simply travel to the fast travel point (a small garage to the west of the main building), and sneak around the guard and worker inside. Then, hack into the terminal at the door. Next, take the elevator up. At the top, there will be a locked, barred room opposite you. The keycard is within.
- Bib's vault keycard: Located in the Hutt Bunkhouse, west of Mos Eisley. Go inside the building to the west with the red door but look out as there will be a crew member inside. The keycard is by the sink.
Akiva vaults
There are a total of two vaults on Akiva, belonging to the Hutt and Pyke syndicates.
Pyke Akiva vault
The Pyke vault on Akiva is located within their district inside Myrra city. Specifically, their district is located in the northern section of the city, directly north of the Market District.
As always, if you have a 'Good' or 'Excellent' reputation with the gang, simply enter via the main entrance. Otherwise, you will have to sneak your way in. One such spot you can sneak in is near the main entrance. From there, turn left (west) and follow the side alley. Turn right at the food stall and continue up to the gate ahead. From here, you can jump onto the crate and the yellow bars above to make your way into the Pyke territory.
Once inside the district, follow these steps:
- Travel to the restricted section of the base to the east.
- Right of the doors and guards is a bunch of crates in a corner, walk towards these and you'll discover a vent in the ground.
- Travel through the vent, this will take you straight to the vault.
- At the other end of the vent, watch out for the security camera. You can switch it off by hacking into the console on the wall.
Pyke Akiva vault keycards
To unlock the treasures within the vault, you'll need the following keycards:
- Neroli's vault keycard: Located within the Pyke district north of Myrra. You'll need to command Nix to steal it from Neroli within the base.
- Theumati's vault keycard: Located near the Pyke Crystal mine, in southern Akiva.
- Elo's vault keycard: Located east of the Pyke Crystal mine, within a roadside post. Opposite the Temple Ruins.
Hutt Akiva vault
The last vault on Akiva is within the Hutt territory in Myrra. Their base is located to the south-east within the city, east of Satrap's Promenade.
To access the base (if you don't have the option to walk into the main entrance) you can sneak your way in via a squeeze spot between crates. From the main entrance travel southwest along the rest of the street. Follow the street around and you'll see a pile of crates with a squeeze spot you can enter to get into the district.
Once inside the base, follow these steps to get to the vault:
- Make your way to the restricted section in the southeast. This is a round building guarded by one guard.
- At the entrance, walk to the right of the guard toward a bunch of trash bins. Amongst the bins is a secret vent that will take you inside.
- Once you're through the vent, the vault is straight ahead and the vault terminal is above.
Hutt Akiva vault keycards
- Badru's vault keycard: Located within the Hutt district of Myrra. Collect it from a bench opposite the raised platform near Aucta Curvak.
- Surat's vault keycard: Located within a building to the north of the Hutt Poaching Station (western Akiva).
- Makarial's vault keycard: In the Hutt Supply Camp, north of the previous keycard location.
That rounds up our guide on all syndicate vaults in Star Wars Outlaws. For more Star Wars Outlaws tips and tricks, check out our guide to all Expert Locations to unlock new skills as quickly as possible or see our guides to the best Trailblazer upgrades and best Speeder upgrades to smooth out your traversal both on and off-world. If you're short on cash, also see our list of tips for making Credits fast or our guide to unlocking the black market in Mirogana.